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Non Toxic, Safe, and Eco Friendly Gum, Toothpaste, Floss, and Other Products We Put in Our Mouths

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Non Toxic, Safe, and Eco Friendly Gum, Toothpaste, Floss, and Other Products We Put in Our Mouths Megan Mikkelsen, MPH - Detox by Design

Have you ever wondered if your gum is good for you? How about if your floss is coated in chemicals? I shared some tips for choosing safer products for your mouth.

Non Toxic, Safe, and Eco Friendly Gum, Toothpaste, Floss, and Other Products We Put in Our Mouths


I’m sure you’ve seen the disclaimer on a package of sugar-free gum that says it contains a chemical linked with cancer. Yep, it says it right there on the package! Also, have you noticed how much plastic packaging is used for gum is these days? We know that 90% of plastics aren’t recycled even if they go in the recycling bin and gum packaging is something to consider when you purchase gum. Don’t forget to check the ingredient label. If you wouldn’t eat and swallow it, then you probably don’t want to chew it. A better ingredient gum I would suggest is Pur.


Have you ever thought about how wasteful a tube of toothpaste is? I don’t think those plastic tubes are recyclable. I’ve been trying out a tablet toothpaste that you chew and then brush your teeth with. I like it but my husband isn’t quite on board yet. Ingredients you want to look out for in toothpaste includes triclosan, natural flavors (because “natural” doesn’t mean anything), and artificial colors. 


For disposable toothbrushes, choose something that isn’t plastic. We use a Sonicare in our home and I’m waiting for them to come out with a more eco-friendly option for replacement heads. But when I go to the dentist, I say no to the bag of goodies. All those little packages of floss, toothpaste, and free toothbrush are all plastic that likely can’t be recycled. When traveling I use a wooden toothbrush like this one.


I’m a big flosser because I’m genetically disposed to bad teeth and gums. Did you know that Glide Floss is coated in PFAS? You can check out more about why PFAS are bad in this episode. 

I’ve been using a floss that is an eco-friendly material and not coated in any sort of chemical. If you use individual flossers or floss picks, I encourage you to start using something that is more eco-friendly. Here’s on option of a biodegradable flosser.

Teeth whiteners

If you use whitening products, you might want to think about the ingredients in the products you’re using. Dr. Brite is a safer option. 

This post contains an affiliate links and at no additional cost to you, I will earn a commission if you decide to buy. I'm recommending these products because they might help you choose toxin-free and eco-friendly products and  I've found success with them, not because of the small commission I make.