“Thank you, Megan, for educating our employees on easy things they can do to detox their homes. Your presentation aligned so well with our company’s commitment to sustainability and wellbeing.”
- Anwanur, Allen Construction
Interested in hiring me to share toxin-free living tips with your audience? Email me HERE.
Health and the environment have been my top interest since I was a teen. I went on to get my Masters of Public Health and having my first daughter led me to environmental health. I wanted to create a healthy and happy home for her. Raising my daughters in an environment with minimal toxins - that’s the crux of my “why”. I know deciphering the confusing marketplace of cleaners and everyday products isn’t always easy, but I’m here to help.
My journey to a toxin-free home started with wanting to make the best choices for my family but also feeling overwhelmed and confused, and lacking the time to make detoxing our home a priority. Did you know packaging contains misleading messages? It’s true! I’ve immersed myself in product knowledge and safe ingredients, so you don’t have to.
Today, there are toxins in the environment all around us. We do however have some control over what we choose to bring into our homes and put on our bodies. Hang out with me for awhile and together we’ll identify and remove the nasty products from your home leaving you with safer options and the knowledge you need to make toxin-free choices each time you shop, while saving money.
I will step in to help reduce the overwhelm and confusion around going toxin-free. Let me help you detox your products so you can feel confident that the products you buy are safe for you and your family.
Megan, Susanna, Eliza, and Drew at Notre Dame Cathedral
13 Fun Facts about Megan
I grew up in suburban SoCal and now a PNW transplant who LOVES the gorgeous trees and beautiful Puget Sound!
My first car was a maroon 1985 SAAB 900 that was frequently in the shop and cost and arm and a leg to fix.
I’m a musician - I received a music scholarship to go to Willamette University and performing my solo senior recital is one of my most proud moments.
When my oldest daughter was one, we moved from our beloved Portland, Oregon to Olympia, Washington. It was HARD. I missed my friends and community and struggled as a stay at home mom where I knew no one. Over a decade later and I now love our town, community, and can’t imagine living anywhere else.
I always keep a nail file in my top desk drawer.
I love a good cocktail - dirty gin martini please!
We are huge dog lovers in our house and you’d probably see dog hair on the floor if you stopped by for a visit.
I love to travel and experience new places. So far favorites have included Greece, Japan, and of course… Paris!
Hiking Machu Picchu is on my bucket list.
One thing I can’t live without is my Crunchi Nightlight night cream.
One very memorable summer, I lived in a sorority house at Berkeley and worked in a French restaurant during the day and a bar at night.
I’m an only child and when I was a kid I wanted to hang with the adults over play with kids my age.
For my first job I was as a cook for a preschool. I created the menu, shopped for groceries, cooked meals, and did the clean up. Maybe that’s why I’m not such a big fan of meal planning and grocery shopping. Hmmmm…..