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EMFs and How to Protect Your Family from Harmful Electro Magnetic Fields with R Blank

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EMFs and How to Protect Your Family from Harmful Electro Magnetic Fields with R Blank Megan Mikkelsen, MPH - Detox Living Strategist, Non-Toxic Makeup Mentor

Concerned about EMFs but not sure what to do about it? Or maybe you haven't even considered how EMFs are impacting your family's health and wellbeing. In this interview of R Blank of Shield Your Body, we chatted about why we need to pay attention to EMFs and simple steps you can take to reduce your exposure.

EMFs and How to Protect Your Family from Harmful Electro Magnetic Fields with R Blank

Have you been worried about EMFs, or maybe you haven't even considered the impact that the electromagnetic field around you can have on your health and overall well being? On this episode I talk with R Blank from Shield Your Body to better understand EMFs and why we need to pay attention to them.

What are EMFs and where do they come from?

EMF stands for electromagnetic fields and it's a form of energy. The one that most people are already familiar with is sunlight. But EMFs really come in so many different forms. 

“Some have a lot of energy and are really harmful even in super small doses. So that would include x rays and gamma rays. And that's why you always wear a lead coat whenever you get your dental x-rays done and the technician heads to another room because that's how dangerous that stuff is.”

“Now there's forms of EMF with less energy and these are emitted by every wireless device and everything that runs on power, which includes power lines themselves as well as appliances.”

So why should we be paying attention to this invisible, odorless toxin?

For a long time, it was believed that these lower energy forms of EMF, like you get from cell phones and cordless phones and your microwave oven, weren't harmful to humans. But a very large and growing body of scientific research dating back decades, now shows that assumption was wrong, and that these forms of lower energy EMF, sometimes called non-ionizing EMF, are bioactive. They harm all forms of life, even at doses previously thought to be safe.

The harmful effects of EMFs are serious!

The World Health Organization lists EMF as a class 2B carcinogen. Yep, cancer. They've also been linked to sleep issues, anxiety, brain tumors and infertility issues. (Is your laptop on your lap right now?)

“EMF can harm and even destroy DNA and DNA is in every cell in our body. Which means every system in our body is impacted by this.”

This stuff is everywhere!

There have been EMFs in the home since the 1870’s when the lightbulb was invented. The light bulb brought electricity and more appliances into peoples homes. 

It progressed to cordless phones and finally to, you guessed it, cell phones.

We are literally surrounded by Wifi and Bluetooth everywhere we go, all day. The number of devices in homes in just the past decade has exploded.

So our exposure to EMF has grown exponentially.

So we’re just doomed?

Absolutely not! You know I’ve got you!

There are 2 big things R Blank recommends to reduce your exposure.

Minimize use- Simple, right? Just use devices less.

  • Put phones and reading devices in airplane mode when you don’t need connectivity or you're not actively downloading something. “When you turn it on airplane mode, it cuts off the wireless EMF entirely. There'll still be very, very low levels of emissions just because of the battery and the circuits and so forth. But overall, you're making a massive reduction in the emissions from your device when it's in airplane mode.”

  • Turn off your wifi at night. Seriously you’re sleeping (or you should be) and you can cut 6-8 hours of exposure off right there. There are even timers you can buy for your router so it will turn on and off automatically.

  • Be a more conscious consumer. Really think about what you're bringing into your home. Do you really need your fridge to tell you what to shop for or a smart thermostat? Probably not.

  • When you're not on a call or listening to music, take your wireless earbuds out! They are literally right next to your brain where there’s no skull to act as at least some type of shield between the EMFs and your brain. Or just don’t use them at all.

Maximize distance- This is a little less intuitive. But R Blank explains that the farther you are away from your devices, the less exposure you’re getting. 

  • Don’t keep your phone in your pocket or sit with your computer on your lap. You’re putting that exposure right next to all your abdominal organs. 

  • So of course don’t sleep with your phone or devices next to your bed or under your pillow. Put them as far away from your bedroom as possible. Or if you have to use your phone as an alarm clock, put it on airplane mode.

  • Don’t put internet routers near where your family spends the most time.

  • Use a headset (preferably a wired one) when making calls so that you’re never holding the phone up to your head.

It’s more important than ever to be paying attention to EMF exposure

Our kids are the first generation growing up with this increased exposure. We don’t know yet what long term exposure to EMF can really do. There’s a lot of science already, but long term studies of this type, slow long term exposure, are hard to conduct and quantify with all the different life variables.

We know they’re harmful and that our kids are growing and developing at an astonishing rate. A few simple changes can really reduce their exposure and give them good habits for life.

EMF exposure is just a part of modern life. Sometimes you just have to carry your phone in your pocket for work,or exercise or whatever. We have phones because they’re convenient. If you really need your devices close by, or are just looking for extra protection, has a phone pouch that allows your phone to function but protects your body from EMF exposure. They have everything from sling bags to baby blankets so definitely check that out!

R Blank also has a guide on his website that you can download for free The 5 Biggest Sources of EMF and How to Protect Yourself.