190 Just starting out? How I’d approach the detox process if I was brand new.
It wasn't that long ago that I was totally overwhelmed with detoxing my daily routines, you might be in the same boat. So today on episode 190, I'm going to share how I'd approach the detox process if I was brand new.
Today, I'm sharing how I would approach the detox process if I was brand new to it. And I feel like it was just yesterday that my girls were little and I was totally overwhelmed with creating a safe and healthy home for them.
Just recently, I was talking to a new mom and I could tell that she had a lot of those same anxieties that I had. I don't know if it's just wanting to do your best for your kids or being totally overwhelmed with being a new mom. But I could just remember exactly what it was like to feel like every single small decision made such a big difference in my daughter's life. And I do believe that is the case but now I have a much more level head about it.
Instead of being super anxious about it, I can go about it calmly and understand what are the best choices to make and when and how not to get overwhelmed. So that's what I'm going to share today. Really the simple ways to make sure that you are getting the biggest bang for your buck when it comes to detoxing your daily routines without getting totally overwhelmed.
So if I was brand new to the process, where would I start?
One of the first things that I would do is I would prioritize the products that I use the most often. So if you wipe down your kitchen counters with a spray every single night, that's pretty often. That might be something that you want to switch out soon. Or maybe you bathe your child and you give him a bath every day, you might want to think about the kind of soap that you're using with your child.
Or maybe it's for you personally. If you use a certain skincare routine every single day and you're putting on multiple products, in the morning and in the evening, those are things that you might want to prioritize.
Personally, I find it's kind of overwhelming to decide you're going to swap something out and ditch all of it all at once. It can get expensive. And also it feels a little bit wasteful, right? So my standard process is that when I run out of something, I make a better choice the next time I buy that item. And I think that is a totally sane and approachable way to handle this. ]
There are some products that I would ditch right away because they tend to be pretty unhealthy and impact both your physical health and your environmental health in your home. So the things I would ditch right away would be any candles that have perfumes in them. Any body sprays or perfumes that you use regularly. I would also ditch any plugins, any of those fake scented perfumey things that put those scents out into your home. They're not good for your home environment. There have been studies that have shown that our internal environment inside our home can be so much worse than outside. And that's because of those products.
Dryer sheets are another thing that I would swap right away.
Deodorant is one of the most important things in my opinion that if you're just learning now, and you want to ditch something with a big immediate impact, it would be deodorant, in addition to dryer sheets, and all those other environmental scenting things that are not good for our lungs and our overall health.
The next thing that I would do is that I would just decide, whenever I bring something new into my house, that is when I'm going to make sure that that new item is safe. It's a great idea to keep a note in your phone. You know, if you're getting low on let's say moisturizer, you want to make sure you have the item that you want to buy there and ready for you. So you're like, Okay, I'm getting low on my moisturizer, I better buy something new. You do your research, you keep a note in your notes app on your phone, so that you can keep track of the products that you are going to replace that item with. We all know that it can get overwhelming and so easy just to hit buy again when you're on Amazon, but really, we want to make this a change. We want to make this a sustainable change. So having it ready to go, researching it when you have the time and keeping that list in your phone is a great way to prioritize that detoxing of your life.
As I mentioned in last week's podcast episode, it's a great idea to buy up these products that you want to get when they're on sale. So if you want to get onto my list that has my favorite deals, then you can just text DEALS to (360)-205-9762 or just send me an Instagram Message and say I want to get on your deals list. And I will make sure that you get onto that text message service so that you don't miss my favorite toxin free skincare makeup and product deals.
So in review, if I were starting my detox journey today, what I would do is number one, I would prioritize the products I use the most often and I would use up what I have currently. I would have notes in my phone that track what I want to replace those items with.
Number two, I would ditch some products right away, those plugins, dryer sheets, deodorants, candles, perfumes and body sprays, all those I would get rid of right away.
Number three, anytime I bring something new into my home, I would make sure that it is safe for me and my family.
If it's time and you're ready to create a thriving, happy and healthy home, it's simple, easy and you've got my support for the entire process. To learn more about how we can work together, come on over to meganmikkelsen.com. There you can grab my free safe swap guide and learn how to get started. Until next time namaste.