Hi! I’m Megan Mikkelsen and I’m a detox living strategist. I love collaborating with entrepreneurs, influencers, and brands that promote toxin-free and eco-friending living. Please review the information below and contact me with any questions.

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My listeners are health conscious moms who want the best for their families. They want to make a positive impact on their communities and the earth. They understand that small changes can make a big impact.


Health and the environment have been my top interest since I was a teen. I went on to get my Masters of Public Health and having my first daughter led me to environmental health. I wanted to create a healthy and happy home for her. Raising my daughters in an environment with minimal toxins - that’s the crux of my “why”. I know deciphering the confusing marketplace of cleaners and everyday products isn’t always easy, but I’m here to help.

My journey to a toxin-free home started with wanting to make the best choices for my family but also feeling overwhelmed and confused, and lacking the time to make detoxing our home a priority. Did you know packaging contains misleading messages? It’s true! I’ve immersed myself in product knowledge and safe ingredients, so you don’t have to.

Today, there are toxins in the environment all around us. We do however have some control over what we choose to bring into our homes and put on our bodies. Hang out with me for awhile and together we’ll identify and remove the nasty products from your home leaving you with safer options and the knowledge you need to make toxin-free choices each time you shop, while saving money.

