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Detoxing Your Mental Load - Decluttering your Inbox, Mailbox, and Social Media

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Detoxing Your Mental Load - Decluttering your Inbox, Mailbox, and Social Media Megan Mikkelsen, MPH - Detox by Design

Are you constantly being annoyed with junk mail, a full email inbox, or maybe your social media feed is filled with negative energy… it’s time to take action to detox your mental load.

Detoxing Your Mental Load - Decluttering your Inbox, Mailbox, and Social Media


Remove yourself from all of the junk mail. Valpack, political ads, credit card applications, etc. Get on the Do Not Mail Registry - and remove yourself from the Valpack list here:

Or call 888-5-OPTOUT.


Tired of getting solicitation calls during the middle of family dinner? Get on the Do Not Call Registry -


Are you a person that has an overwhelming number of unread emails in your inbox? That drives me crazy! I have to clear out my inbox regularly. You can click the unsubscribe button at the bottom of the email to get off the list or for another easy step to reduce the number of emails you get is

With Unroll Me, they can choose which emails you want to continue to get and they will group those emails all into one email for you. On top of that, you can choose those you want to unroll from and they will unsubscribe you from those lists.

Social Media

Is there some negative energy on your social media feeds? Or people you’re not connected to anymore. It’s ok to unfollow them.

If there are Facebook Groups that you don’t connect with or aren’t very active anymore, feel free to leave them.

These simple actions will open up opportunity for more positivity and less mental clutter in your life.

Do you have other suggestions to share? How do you take action to detox mental clutter?