Detoxing Your Home and Choosing Non-Toxic Products Doesn't Have to be Expensive

Detoxing Your Home and Choosing Non-Toxic Products Doesn't Have to be Expensive

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People always say that they can’t afford healthier products because they are more expensive. Detoxing every item in your home at once can get expensive. I don’t encourage that method because it is expensive. A lot of people like to slowly ease into toxin-free living which is much more affordable. 

Detoxing Your Home and Choosing Non-Toxic Products Doesn't Have to be Expensive

Another misconception - people often think that if it is more expensive, it’s probably a better product. Whether that’s better for you or better for the environment, but that often isn’t true. It is often the niche the product is in and who they are marketing the product to. So don’t always assume that the more expensive the product, the better it is. As I always say, make sure you read the ingredient label to make sure it is safe. 

Going toxin-free doesn’t have to be expensive. Some of the most toxin-free cleaners go back to the roots of simple cleaning, like baking soda and vinegar. Very inexpensive and they work really well. They might not come in pretty packaging or smell really good but you can add essential oils to help with that. However, a lot of people don’t want to make their own cleaners. That’s the main reason I created my shop because I was fine with making my own products but a lot of people prefer to be told specific products to buy.

With most cleaning products you find there’s a different product for every single cleaning purpose. When really you can just buy one product that does multiple things well. It’s really quality over quantity. And some of the better products might cost more but if you’re buying a product for each singular cleaning purpose, you end up spending more. Plus, all of the extra products you don’t need creates clutter. 

To me, it is so much more worth it to choose an eco-friendly product that might be a little bit more expensive. An example of this is would be to say you have a favorite lipgloss, my personal favorite is the Crunchi lipglosses, you love the ingredients, the packaging, and how it works so well. On the other hand if you or go to Target and buy a $6 Burts bees and it works fine. Then you try another brand and don’t like it. And then you try a cheaper option than any of them and you don’t love it. They’re all sitting in your purse and you aren’t using them. With those 3 lipglosses, you spent more the that 1 lipgloss that you really liked. Do I need to buy this and will it live up to my toxin-free standards? It’s quality over quantity people. 

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detox your home and choose non toxic products and save money
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