Wholistic Approaches to Addressing Dry Winter Skin

Wholistic Approaches to Addressing Dry Winter Skin

Dry winter skin. We get dry skin, especially in the winter, because we are inside even more because of the weather. The changing weather really takes a toll on our skin. 

Wholistic Approaches to Addressing Dry Winter Skin

I put together a few tips to help your skin to feel more hydrated and soft.

  1. Lower your thermostat. Moderate is better.

  2. Use a cool air humidifier. You can use it while you are sleeping which will add more moisture to the air which helps your skin.

  3. Diet - Your gut is connected to all of our body and especially our skin. If you have a lot of sugar, you might notice your skin reacting with a breakout. When we think about our dry winter skin, there is a lot of things that we can eat and drink to help our skin be clearer and have less acne. Eat lots of good oils like walnuts, fish oils, and avocados to benefit the skin. Also, watch the alcohol or caffeine. Those can dehydrate the body and our skin. It’s also really important to make sure we are drinking enough water. To help with that you can set goals or bring your water bottle with you wherever you go.

  4. Exfoliate regularly - but don’t use a super harsh exfoliator. I prefer Crunchi’s Clarilight facial essence that I put on my skin after washing with the charcoal facials bar. Both are so gentle that I can use them every day. Now that it’s winter and my skin is drier, I use a bentonite clay mask which I mix with water and use every 1-2 weeks. Using too extreme of products could dry out your skin even more. Daily SPF is an important thing to remember on winter days because you can still get UV damage through the clouds. In addition to SPF make sure to moisturize your skin before going outside to help protect your skin from the elements.

My routine in the morning is to wash my face, sometimes I’ll use my facial essence, then I apply my day time moisturizer and mix that with my SPF, then apply the rest of my makeup. For nighttime, I use a charcoal facial bar, facial essence, and then my night cream moisturizer. Maintaining your daily skin care routines in the morning and night are very important for dry winter skin. 
If you have any questions, email me (megan@detox.design) or join my Facebook group if you haven’t already. 

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Wholistic approaches to addressing dry winter skin, 4 tips for curing dry winter skin
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