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Toxin-Free Home for the Holidays - 5 Tips for Creating a Non-Toxic, Healthy, and Green Space for Holiday Visitors

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Toxin-Free Home for the Holidays - 5 Tips for Creating a Non-Toxic, Healthy, for Holiday Visitors Megan Mikkelsen, MPH - Detox Living Strategist, Non-Toxic Makeup Mentor

Of course we want the people we love to be healthy! So creating a toxin-free environment for them to visit is just as important as the meals you share. If you have thought about going toxin-free and you haven't yet, maybe this would be the perfect time to start. Plus, it's a really great conversation to have with family. Especially if your kids spend a lot of time at their grandparents house or maybe you have family that's visiting and they are struggling with a health diagnosis or something similar. It's really great to have this conversation about why it's important to go toxin-free. 

Home for the Holidays: 5 Tips for Creating a Toxin-Free, Healthy and Green Space for your Holiday Guests

We are going back to basics so these area going to be simple tips but a great place to start

  1. Be a shoe free home-  This is a really great habit to get into. There are all sorts of toxins in our environment including on the ground where we walk. Your shoes pick up dirt including toxins wherever you walk. Leaving your shoes by the door is a great way to minimize bringing in the dirt and toxins into your home. If you still want your guests to be comfortable, it's a great idea to have some socks or slippers for them to use when going shoe free. Have a set of guest slippers, or fun holiday themed socks that your guests can use or remind your friends and family to bring their own. 

  2. Dust- You're probably thinking “oh Megan, of course I'm going to dust before my guests come over”. I just wanted to stress how important it is from a toxin-free standpoint. Dust can carry the toxins that we bring into the home or even the toxins that currently linger in our home. By dusting, you're really going to reduce the number of toxins that you are coming into contact with and breathing in. My favorite way to clean is just to use a slightly wet cotton rag to pick up all of that dust and any dirt right into the rag and then I just throw the rag in the wash. For cleaning countertops like in your kitchen or your bathrooms, I like the Meliora all purpose spray that I have in my store. It works super well. Surprisingly it works amazing on glass and on mirrors too. You just have to spray it and completely wipe away with a clean rag. And it's in glass and has a refill tablet that you put in there so you never have to buy another container again. I love that. It’s so eco-friendly.

  3. Vacuum Everything!- Vacuuming is really one of the best ways to remove toxins that live in the dirt and dust in your home. And if you're animal lovers like we are and have a dog that sheds a lot, having a good vacuum is a must!

  4. Wash your linens with toxin-free products- If you've been around here for a while, you know that my number one switch I recommend starting with is the laundry space. We sleep in our linens all night long, we use a towel after we shower to dry off, and we wear clothes that we wash in laundry detergent. Our bodies are exposed to those fabrics and the chemicals that you wash your clothes and linens in. If you haven't yet detoxed your laundry room, having guests come over and thinking about their linens and what you are exposing them to might be enough for you to make this switch. Again, I have my favorites in my store. I even have refills for the laundry detergent. I just love sending those refills out knowing that people aren't buying a monstrous plastic container of liquid soap, and eventually that plastic container is just going to go straight to the landfill. 

  5. Use a timer for your modem or move your modem- How many times have you visited someone and the WiFi hub is in the guest room? It’s a common place to put it because it’s out of the way in a room that’s not used everyday. Wifi routers aren't exactly decorative. My interview with Shield Your Body, all about EMF exposure, was pretty eye opening. If you have your modem in the bedroom where your guests sleep, you might want to consider moving it. (If you have it in your own room, definitely move your modem.) You want to have as much space  between where you spend the most time and your modem. And if you can't move your modem out of the guest room, then consider putting a timer on your modem so that it turns off in the evening. Just having it off from 11pm to 5am can make a big difference in how much EMFs you are exposed to and your guests are exposed to while they're staying with you.

Have you detoxed your space yet? Having guests is a good reason to start!