10 Must Have Natural, Non Toxic, and Healthy Products to Use Throughout Your Day

Have you ever gone grocery shopping with a friend and been turned onto a new product you’d never even tried before? I love doing that! I always find it so interesting to hear what my friends use and what they like. It’s a great way to learn what’s out there, what people are into, and what I need to add to the top of my research list! I thought it would be fun to share a snapshot of what I do on a typical day and what products I’m loving. Read all the way to the end for a list and links of all my favorite products. 

10 Must Have Natural, Non Toxic, and Healthy Products to Use Throughout Your Day

7:30am This has been my natural wake up time. It’s August, so this will probably look a little different come winter when the kids are back in school. But for now I get to naturally wake up to the sun on my face instead of an alarm. I may not get as much done in the morning, but the sun is much more gentle than an annoying alarm!

  • After I brush my teeth, I put on my work out clothes and get on my peloton. It’s right in my bedroom along with my weights. I’ve been adding in more strength training lately to help keep my lower back and hips strong and pain free. Getting my workout in first thing ensures that it gets done.

  • Then I usually hop in the shower to get ready for the rest of the day! I only wash my hair twice a week, but I usually still wet it and scrub my scalp really well with my fingers, and use condition for my thick wavy hair. The last thing I want to do when I’m still hot from my workout is use a hair dryer. So I use just a couple products and air dry my hair with a t-shirt.

  • Right out of the shower, I applying my skin care products. First eye cream, then moisturizer, then sunscreen. I apply skincare before I get dressed to give my skin time to absorb them before I do my makeup.

  • I have a simple daytime makeup routine of primer, concealer, foundation, finishing powder, highlighter (I use it as an eyeshadow too!), bronzer, blush, and mascara. Sometimes I’ll pop on a little lip gloss, but honestly I try to hydrate all day and sometimes the gloss on my water bottle gets a little annoying. All my makeup and skincare products are Crunchi of course. I’ve been an advocate for 4 and a half years because I haven’t found anything that’s cleaner or works better.

  • It’s usually about 9am now and I go downstairs to do some reading or journaling. Lately I’ve been listening to May Cause Miracles by Gabrielle Bernstein and journaling along with the book. I prioritize self care in the first part of my day because it puts me in the  best frame of mind to tackle everything my day throws at me.

  • The rest of morning I spend working and driving the girls to whatever activities they have. Driving them around is a big part of our lives these days but I love the time with them!

11am Time for Breakfast!

  • I’ve been trying out intermittent fasting and I’m getting hungry around this time. Remember, self care first! Before I start working again I’ll have an English muffin with cashew butter. I try not to eat gluten at every meal, but I’m allergic to alot of foods and I’m not allergic to wheat so I allow it in my diet. And it’s yummy :) Otherwise I’ll have granola with oat milk or a smoothie.

  • I eat lunch around 2pm and always try to include some veggies. Just like working out, including it early in the day ensures that my body is cared for no matter what comes up later. I like to prep food so I have health leftovers to eat for lunch. Soups, curries made in my instant pot and big pots of grain salads with greens make great lunch leftovers.

  • Work is a lot of connecting with my clients and listeners by creating social media content and answering questions and messages. I mentioned that I’m a Crunchi advocate and that helps support my family as well as provide me the freedom to bring you all of this information for free. Recording podcasts is my way of making the planet a healthier and happier place and I’m so grateful for that opportunity. This also involves spending a lot of time researching ingredients and how well different products work. 

  • The rest of the day I’m either working around the house or the garden. And of course, driving the girls everywhere. All. Day. Long.

Time for dinner and wind down the day….

  • We all work together to get dinner on the table. We eat a lot of plant based meals like I mentioned. But since I’m allergic to almost every type of meat except turkey, we’ve been making turkey stir fry about once a week. Let’s face it, ground turkey is not the greatest, but it actually makes a pretty good stir fry.

  • We clean up the kitchen, also as a family. We just switched from liquid to bar dish soap and it’s working out great! (Check out my 3 Tips for Switching to Bar Soap episode for more help in this area!)

  • I’ll be honest, we’re a TV family after dinner. If the weather's nice we enjoy taking the dogs out for an evening walk or playing volleyball in the front yeard. But we love just chilling on the couch together watching Survivor or The Amazing Race.

  • Then when it’s time for bed, I start by washing my face. Many, many years ago I did not wash my face before bed. Can you believe it? I didn’t break out and I had great young skin so I just didn’t. Well, now I’m religious about my skin care routine. Of course I use all Crunchi products, starting with the charcoal facial bar, followed by Clarilight facial essence and Nightlight nighttime moisturizer

  • And of course I brush and floss my teeth. I don’t love the plastic tubes that toothpaste comes in, so if you’ve found a great toothpaste tablet without “natural flavors”, please connect with me! I’d love to know about it.

Well I think that’s it.  Everything in a typical boring day at the Mikkelsen house. But hey, it’s the little things that make up a life well lived. Check out all the products that I use throughout the day below. I would love to help you detox any part of your beauty or household routines, so please reach out with any questions! Connect with my at my facebook group Toxin-Free Talk or DM me on instagram at @themeganmikkelsen


Skin Care All Crunchi that can be found at www.detoxbydesigninsiders.com

  • Charcoal or Sensitive Facial Cleansing Bar

  • Clarilight Facial Essence plus Toner

  • Powerlight Eye Cream

  • Daylight Facial Cream

  • Nightlight Facial Cream

  • Sunlight Facial 30 SPF

Makeup Also Crunchi

  • Smart Primer

  • Beautifully Flawless Foundation- Connect with me if you need help with shade matching!

  • My Alibi Concealer plus Primer

  • Translucent Finishing Powder

  • Solarise Bronzer

  • Cheekmate Blush

  • Luminescence Highlighter

  • Shattered Mascara

  • Eyeshadow

  • Hydrogloss Lipgloss

Mouth Care

In The Kitchen

There are a ton of other products for your entire household that I’ve researched for safety and tested for effectiveness at my online shop detox.design/thebox.  It’s my passion to help people detox their homes without feeling overwhelmed or blowing their budget. Connect with me and I’d love to help get you started!

Purchasing from any of the links above helps support me and my family and allows me to continue to provide free content like this. Detox by Design is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.com.

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