What does it mean to go non toxic? Breaking down the steps to becoming healthier, more eco-friendly, and toxin-free

Today we're going back to the basics! I started this journey many years ago, but I know that some of you are just beginning. I have a masters degree in public health and worked in public health for many years. I knew I was doing a small part to help people’s health, but I wasn’t making the impact I wanted to. I started this podcast so I could share my passion about toxin free living and help people with what can be a difficult and overwhelming journey. 

What It Really Means to Go Non-toxic-Breaking Down the Steps to Becoming Healthier, More Eco-Friendly and Toxin-Free

I talk to a lot of people about their toxin-free journey and what it means is different for everyone. 

For me it means to take one small step at a time and becoming informed and choosing better. 

If you've been around here for a while, you’ve probably heard my story about when I first learned that just because something is sold in a store doesn’t necessarily mean it is safe. I had learned about a toy that had been recalled because there was lead paint on it. I just really had no idea that a product could be sold in a store and marketed to kids when it was clearly not safe for kids. It was that experience that opened my eyes to how few regulations there are in the US to keep us safe and healthy.  

Making the switch can be overwhelming, but it doesn’t have to be.

I’ve been there before and I remember being confused about where to start. I always suggest starting with one area of your home or life and choosing better products.

Cleaning products- I started with cleaning products, because I was in my home with my baby all the time, and I was cleaning my house myself. I’m sure you've smelled some strong cleaning products and wondered if it was good to use inside your home. Our senses are there to alert us to things that are good and bad for you. So a super strong smell or something that burns your eyes, that's an indicator that you might want to read the ingredient label and figure out if it’s safe. 

Ditch and switch those plastics- Next I cleared out all the plastics. I started buying more glass and stainless steel containers and choosing better options for us when it comes to everything from storing our leftovers in the fridge to the amount of food contained in plastic at the grocery store. I really try to go for whole foods versus things that are processed and come in a plastic package.

Personal Care- Eventually, I made my way to realizing that the products I put on my skin, and on my daughters’ skin and even on my husband's skin, that all of those products often had pretty awful ingredients in them as well. I’ve always loved makeup and it was time to choose safer and healthier products that I was using on my face every day. You can find my favorite safe and healthy skincare and makeup products at www.detoxbydesigninsiders.com

So you’re ready to make the switch, but how do you know what to buy?

In the beginning, I was greenwashed, over and over again. Greenwashing is when a company markets itself as green and eco-friendly and safe and healthy, but in reality, the product isn't actually as safe as it should be.

First of all, I'm here to help you and the best way to start is with my online course Detox by Design: The Home Method. It will take you step by step, through every room of your house and detox it from top to bottom without breaking your budget. Just click here to learn more

You can also connect with me by joining my facebook group Toxin Free Talk where we discuss everything about being on a toxin-free journey.

Also, we’re already on episode 84 of Toxin-Free Talk. I can’t believe we're on episode 84! That’’s really exciting for me and great for you, because that’s 84 episodes of FREE information on going toxin-free.

If you don’t have the time to learn all this right now, I totally get it. School, work, sports and life are so busy again. You can find everything you need in my online shop at www.detox.design/thebox. I’ve thoroughly researched and tested all of the products in my store for safety and effectiveness. These are the same products I use and love and use in my home with my family. 

Wherever you start, I’m proud of you for prioritizing your health!

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