Detox Your Skincare. Going Non-Toxic, Green, and Healthy with Anti-Aging and Acne Skincare Routines

Why do we need to detox our routines?

Detoxing everyday routines, like skincare is one of the most important things to detox. Why? Because of the cumulative effects of products that we use every single day. You might hear people say “Oh, but it's safe in small doses.”  But the truth is, if we have small doses in the myriad amount of products that we use every single day, those are going to add up. 

Detox Your Skincare. Going Non-Toxic, Green, and Healthy with Anti-Aging and Acne Skincare Routines

When I think about the number of products we use on our bodies, and for women that often adds up to a lot, you realize just how many different substances we are putting on our skin, our largest organ.

A typical morning routine might include cleansing the skin, maybe toning the skin, moisturizing and adding SPF.  Then we get into makeup. Primer. foundation, mascara, lip gloss, blush, bronzer, highlighter, eyeshadow, brow products; all of those products really add up. Some women use makeup every day and others only use it occasionally. But skincare is often something that most people use day in and day out. And not just women. Men, teens, kids. Most people use their skincare morning and night which means there’s a lot of opportunity for bad chemicals to build up in your body.

Would you love to go more green and natural but are afraid to give up results?

I get it. As much as we want to be healthy, no one wants fine lines and wrinkles. We’re all fighting the aging process! I was recently listening to a talk by the co-founder of Crunchi, the safest skincare brand available and my go to for great looking skin. She develops the products, she is a family nurse practitioner, and the researcher behind all the ingredients used within Crunchi. She also happens to be a dear friend of mine. 

Her medical education and clinical experience made her well aware of the effectiveness of pharmaceutical grade, dermatological products and how effective they were, especially when it came to anti-aging and acne care. She has said she honestly did not really know if she could create a product that would be as effective as conventional anti-aging and acne skincare, while also using safe ingredients that held up to her incredibly high safety standards. She had been taught so much about the chemicals in conventional skincare products, she just wasn't sure that she could create products that were safe and as effective. Well, she has really been blown away by how many ingredients can truly change the skin and create a smoother, brighter complexion, temporarily reducing redness, visually plumping wrinkles and fine lines, and help protect against environmental stressors, all while using safe ingredients. You truly don't need those harsh chemical ingredients in your skincare. You can use these products that are very potent with safe ingredients that will truly make a difference in your skin. 

Quality ingredients matter, but so does quantity

The term peptides is commonly used in skincare marketing. Often companies will market the use of peptides in their products, but the amount of peptides in their products is often super, super small. So they're marketing that they have these amazing peptides in them, but they don't actually have enough peptides to really make a difference. 

That is what is so incredible about Crunchi and why I love them so much! They actually want your skin to change. They want the products to really make a difference in your skin. Yes, it costs a lot more to have more peptides in those products. But it's not going to work unless it has enough peptides to actually make a difference. 

Over a dozen peptides FTW!

There are over a dozen peptides in the new Crunchi GoldenLight facial serum being released next month! The reason why peptides are so awesome is because they really make such a difference. Peptides are the building blocks of the proteins that our skin needs, like collagen and elastin. In skincare, peptides go deep into the skin instead of just sitting on top and they make our cells produce more collagen and elastin. I mean come on. Don't you want this for your skin? I definitely need more collagen and elastin in my skin. 

Using a product that contains peptides really reduce the signs of aging. It reduces inflammation, strengthens the skin barrier, improves collagen production and for many people it can lead to fewer breakouts.

A host of natural and effective ingredients

Crunchi is committed to finding safe ingredients that create the best results! Here are some examples of other impactful ingredients included in Goldenlight:

  • Organic Sea Buckthorn- contains phytonutrients and antioxidants that help plump the skin and create an ageless appearance. 

  • Vitamin B3 or Niacinamide-improves the appearance of pores and blemishes and can visibly brighten your skin tone. 

  • Tamarindus Indica Seed- Reduces the appearance of dullness while smoothing the skin.

  • Organic Green Tea- a potent antioxidant that can protect against environmental stressors while also soothing the skin.

  • Hyaluronic Acid- which I absolutely love because it restores the skin hydration while also plumping fine lines and wrinkles. The great thing about the hyaluronic acid is that it works together with the peptides to make them even more effective.

 I hope that I have convinced you that you don't need the toxic skincare item you’ve been using. You just don't need anti-aging products with harmful chemicals in them. You can choose safe products that work, reduce your fine lines, plump the skin, change your skin texture, and minimize the issues you have with acne. 

I love that I don't have to worry about the ingredients in my products anymore. I have one routine I stick to and I love the results. I don't have to worry about the ingredients in a product I use every single day, twice a day, and how harmful those ingredients are. I just don't have to worry about it. I don't have to think about the cumulative effect of those harmful ingredients being in my skincare when I use it every day, twice a day. So this is your call. It is your time. It is 2022 and it is time to detox your skincare routine.

If you're ready to detox your skincare routine and you just need a little bit of help from me, you got it. I am here for you! just email me at

Or you can check out Goldenlight and all the other incredible safe skincare available from Crunchi.

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