Prosperity Game - How This Simple and Fun Game Can Help Change Your Mindset to Live More Joyfully and Abundantly

My girlfriends and I played a fun game the other day. It’s called the prosperity game. I did not invent this game. I learned about it through Gabby Bernstein, a mindset expert. I've been following her for a few years and she’s helped me work on my mindset through her miracle membership, her meditations, and her books. 

The basic idea behind the prosperity game is that changing our thoughts around abundance can lead us to more abundance. If you're constantly thinking that you don't have enough, whether that is time or money or resources or people, then you are focusing on the lack of or the negative thoughts around not having enough and it is a cycle that continues to perpetuate itself. However, if you switch your thoughts to more abundant thinking; that you do have enough money or time or resources or people in your life, then you will continue to feel that abundance and that abundance will replicate itself in your life. 

If you are not familiar with mindset and how your thinking impacts your life, it truly does. Our thoughts create our feelings, which create our actions, and those actions create our results. So we really need to start with our thoughts so that we can have the results that we're looking for. 

This prosperity game is really fun to play. I suggest you play it with your friends, or maybe you play it at the dinner table with your family. It is very simple and again, the whole purpose behind this is just thinking about how abundant your life is.

The Prosperity Game - How This Simple and Fun Game Can Help Change Your Mindset to Live More Joyfully and Abundantly

Today I'm going to focus on money, but you really can take this prosperity game, and turn it into other topics, too. And I'll give an explanation for friends and relationships as well. Because I think a lot of people might feel like they don't have enough close relationships in their lives, especially with what's gone on the past couple years with COVID, etc. 

How you play is you start with a dollar amount. When I've played it in the past, I've played it with $1,000, an imaginary $1,000. The first round, you go around with your friends, and you say, Okay, you were given $1,000, you cannot pay off any debt with it, you cannot buy necessities, you have to spend it on something that would bring joy to your life. You go around the circle, or you can play this by yourself and write it down in your journal, what would you spend $1,000? It gets really fun, you kind of start thinking like, gosh, what would I spend $1,000 on? Would it be a trip skiing for my family? Or maybe a really beautiful dress you’ve been eyeing? But just think about what you would spend that $1,000 on. And then the next round, you double it. So you start with $1000 and then it's $2000. And then the next time it's $4000. And then the next time it's $8000. And then it's $16,000. And then it's $32,000. And then it's $64,000. So you can see that it can be really fun to imagine, oh my gosh, if I had $64,000 given to me, what would I do with that money?! 

The prosperity game helps you focus on abundance. It just can make a big difference if you're kind of feeling like you don't have enough money lately, or the bills are stacking up. Just a great way to get out of that cycle of lack mentality when it comes to money. 

You can also play it with other things, not just money. For example, you could play it with time. So what would you do if you had an extra hour in your day? What would you do with that hour? Or what would you do with two extra hours? And you can keep doubling that time like I did with the money prosperity game.

You also could play it with friends. Like if I had time to spend with one friend, what would I do? If I had time to spend with two friends, what would I do? If I had four friends that I was going to gather with, what would I do? If I had eight friends together, what would we do together?

You can just kind of see how this prosperity game can be used in so many different ways. I want to encourage you to think about the other ways that you might have a lack instead of abundance mindset that maybe you’ve never thought about before. A lot of people are very aware of the lack versus abundance mindset when it comes to money, but they don't think about how much that lack mindset can impact you in other ways. If you are stressed out, feeling too busy and there's not enough time to get things done, that is a lack mindset around time. Switching up your thoughts and thinking,” I have plenty of time to get my entire to-do list done”, really does work. For example, if I'm feeling really overwhelmed by the number of things I need to get done before I pick my kids up for school, I'll think, “oh my gosh, I don't have enough time to go to the post office and go to the grocery store. I don't have time to do that.” I will catch myself in that thought and then I will think, “take a deep breath. Yes, Megan. Time is abundant, and you have enough time to get those things done.” And almost every single time when I take that deep breath, and I retrain my mind to think about abundance around time, I do get everything done within that time allotment. The line at the post office is shorter, I'm able to get through a grocery store faster, there's not as much traffic and I do get all of the things done on my list, because I've changed my mindset around the abundance of time. 

I just love thinking about this lack versus abundance mindset and how much it can impact your life not just around money, around time, around resources, around your relationships in your life. I encourage you to read more about it. Go check out Gabby Bernstein. And there's many other mindset experts out there that talk about lack versus abundance. But I wanted to share this prosperity game with you because it really can be so fun and a great way to connect with your friends and your family around abundance.

Have you tried playing a similar game before? Please comment and share your experience if you try it. 

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