118 Setting Your Personal Boundaries for Health in Living Clean, Toxin-Free, Non-Toxic, Green, and Eco-Friendly

I'm currently sitting here in a hotel room in Austin, Texas. My daughter and I have been here for the weekend because she had a volleyball tournament. We've had a lot of fun watching her play volleyball, seeing the sights, doing all the things. But I am so committed to coming to you every week with some sort of tip and help for your life. So here I am sitting in a hotel room recording a podcast episode and I was thinking about being on vacation, and the things that I do or don't do for my health while I'm on vacation. I thought this would be the perfect time to talk about setting your personal boundaries for health.

Setting Your Personal Boundaries for Health in Living Clean, Toxin-Free, Non-Toxic, Green, and Eco-Friendly 

So in our home, we tend to do a 90/10 formula for our health. So for example, we are not going to be healthy and choose toxin-free products and choose healthy food 100% of the time. If we tried to do it 100% of the time, it probably just wouldn't happen. But we feel like 90% of the time, we can do our best to choose healthy foods and make sure that we're using toxin free products. And we allow 10% of fun or ease or convenience in there. So I'm gonna give an example here. When we travel, I bring my own makeup, my own skincare, and my own hair care. Mostly I bring my hair stuff because my hair is hard to manage. I've tried to use hotel shampoo, and it just does not turn out right. But we don't bring your own hand soaps and we don't worry too much about the shower gel that we use from the hotel. So again, we're kind of choosing for convenience sake to not bring every single item. Now if you are a little bit more picky than me, that is totally fine. Because, as I said earlier, these are your personal boundaries. So maybe your personal boundaries are 95%, or maybe you're currently at 80/20 and you're working to do a little bit better or you're fine with being at 20. That is okay, because these are your personal boundaries. 

So I'm curious to know what your personal boundaries are? Or if you've never ever thought of them, I would encourage you to consider setting them. Because it kind of makes things a little bit easier. It might help you feel a little bit more free and not feel so constricted with going toxin-free. Maybe you're feeling like Oh, I'm not doing good enough here. I need to be better. I need to be choosing more toxin free products. I just can't do it all. If you set those personal boundaries at 90/10 you'll give up a lot of that guilt for when you do rely on convenience. Because let's be honest, it's not fun to be on vacation and to think, Gosh, my family's eating out at this place that really has no healthy options. What am I going to eat? It's okay, you can have a meal that isn't exactly the perfection of health. You can give yourself that freedom.

So I'm gonna sign off today we're gonna go enjoy Magnolia. The Magnolia silos with Joanna Gaines! Maybe we'll see her there, that would be really cool. We're gonna visit Waco and then we fly out tonight.

But if I have done anything for you today, I hope that I've given you the freedom to know that you don't have to be perfect 100% of the time, and you can be like me and record a podcast episode in a hotel and know that you're doing your best. 

I would love to hear about how you're setting boundaries for your health, and of course help if I can. Tag me or send me a DM on Instagram @themeganmikkelsen, email at megan@detox.design, or post about it in our awesome Facebook community Toxin-Free Talk. I love connecting with you while you're on this journey.

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