123 4 Quick Tips for Getting What You Want and Manifesting The Life of Your Dreams

So the craziest thing happened the other day and I really had to share this story, because it's pretty unbelievable. 

Manifestation is something that I have been working on for many, many years and it continues to bless my life. This is probably one of the biggest blessings that I have had, and not just for me, but for our family as a whole.

4 Quick Tips for Getting What You Want and Manifesting The Life of Your Dreams

So a little bit of background here. My husband has parents that are quite a bit older. My father in law is 93 and my mother in law is 85.  About eight or nine years ago, my father in law had a stroke and my mother-in-law has been caring for him full-time since. You can imagine how hard that is on her. She's always been very fit and active. But she's aging and taking care of my father in law has really impacted her health and her movement and her ability to just enjoy life.

I love and adore my mother in law, and have so much respect for her. She is a very independent woman. She truly sees it as her duty to take care of her husband. It's honestly quite sweet to see how she wants to take care of him.

They live about an hour and a half away from us in a 55 plus community and are completely independent. We have been wanting to provide more help, but of course the distance makes id difficult. We’ve been looking for a solution that would allow her to stay independent while also getting a bit more help at home. 

A few weeks ago, we were having a family dream session - our family does this often. 

If we're in the car on a long drive, we'll just have these family dream sessions where we just talk about the biggest dreams we can think of. Like, “I would love to go to Japan or I would love to climb Mount Everest, or whatever it is”. In these family dream sessions, where we're talking about things that we would like in our life, not necessarily experiences, sometimes they are really concrete things like a new bathroom, or a house that has a shed in the backyard. Our family was doing this a few weeks ago - and although I have thought in the back of my head how much I would enjoy having my in-laws live nearby, I had never really spoken it out loud - I said to my family, my husband and my two daughters, “I would love it, if your parents, could move into the house next door. That way we could help support them. We could be there for anything they needed. You know, we could help out with your father, who needs more care, and yet, they can still be independent. It would just be wonderful if they could be right next door.”

Literally, two weeks later, I am getting the mail and there's a different car next door that I've ever seen there. This guy's getting out of his car, and he's pulling a drone out of his car. Turns out he's a photographer, and he's looking at the house next door to ours. I had no idea that our neighbors were going to move. They have a teenage son, they just did not seem like a candidate that would move. So he is talking on the phone to a real estate agent. And he said, “You told me to call you if there ever was a house in this neighborhood and there's one for sale.” 

This house is a one story, three bedroom, two bath, perfect for my in-laws. They currently live in a three bedroom, two bath, one story. It is literally next door to us in our neighborhood. So crazy. Long story short, we were able to get this house for them. 

We all feel so blessed and fortunate that our family can be closer.

But I'm telling you this story because manifestation truly does work!  I wanted to share a couple of quick tips about how to really make it work for you. 

  1. You need to say it out loud. And write it down and speak it to others. If you don't share it, then it’s likely not something you truly desire. If it's something you truly want down to your core without any question that it is the right thing for you, you need to put it out there, not just think it.

  2. Envision what it is going to feel like when this happens. In this case, this looks like me envisioning walking over to their house helping them out, having them over for dinner. Truly visualizing how that would work and what it would be like. And although I hadn't said it out loud until that family dream session, I had been visualizing what it could be like for them to live next door for a very long time. But it wasn't until I actually said it out loud, that it happened two weeks later. Isn't that crazy? 

  3. Write it down and put it in a place where you will look at it often. So whether that is on your phone's screen, or maybe it's on a post-it note on your mirror in your bathroom, or maybe you have it written in your journal, and you look at it and you read it every single day before you go on with your day. Put it somewhere you're going to read it and see it and know it. Just have that reminder, that message out to the universe that this is what is meant to happen. 

  4. Release control and let it happen. I had never envisioned this specific house being the one they bought. Honestly, I thought it would be the house on the other side of us. If I had been trying to control it like, thinking it needed to be a specific house, it probably wouldn't work, right? Because sometimes we want something, but we don't know what is truly best in the long run. If you release control, it's going to happen the way that is meant to happen. When we try and control the situation, that's when we get disappointed and negative energy ends up being expressed. When we release control, we are happy and surprised and all that positive energy helps make it happen just the way that it's supposed to.

If you’re looking for more resources for manifestation, I recommend Abraham Hicks and my favorite, Gabby Bernstein. I first read her book, The Universe Has Your Back a long time ago. The first time I read it I struggled with it. I was like, Oh, I don't know if I can believe this stuff. But the more I read and the more I practiced, the more I really found how effective it was. I also really love Gabby Bernstein's Miracle Membership. 

I have so many other instances of how manifestation has really just helped me live a happier life, helped our family live happier lives, helped us achieve and realize goals that we never knew we had as far as family goals go. Like traveling to certain places, the kind of experiences we want to have, and just where we want to be in life.

So those are my quick tips for getting what you want and manifesting the life of your dreams. I think if more people did this, we'd live in a much happier and healthier world. 

I hope you liked this episode. It’s a little bit different but this has been something that I think has really helped me in my life, and I hope it blesses others.

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