How I analyze ingredient labels and "red flag" ingredients to avoid

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If you’re ready to start detoxing your home and everyday routines, but you just don’t know where to start, then you’ll want to listen to this podcast episode. I shared my process for determining the safety of products and shared what I call “red flag” ingredients, the ingredients I scan for when analyzing a label.

How I analyze ingredient labels and "red flag" ingredients to avoid

The first thing I do when considering whether I want to buy a product is check the ingredient label. First I look for these ABSOLUTELY NOT, red-flag, ingredients:

Then I search the EWG Skin Deep Database to see if they have a rating for the product.  If they do have a rating, then I make sure it is the same version as the product currently on the market and determine if the product and the ingredients meet my personal safety standards.

And if the product isn’t in the EWG Skin Deep Database… then I enter every ingredient into the database and determine if the ingredients individually are up to my safety standards. 

Initially this will seem overwhelming, but as you practice and get familiar with the “red-flag” ingredients, you’ll get pretty good at it. I also suggest you take a screenshot of this list and keep it in your phone. That way you have a list to turn to when you’re deciding which project to buy and which to put back on the shelf.

Want more help going toxin-free? Download my free guide, join my Facebook group, and follow me on Instagram.

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