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I recently recorded my first podcast (to be released very soon). I decided to share my story and how I came to start Detox by Design.
You may be surprised to learn that I didn’t grow up super healthy. My parents definitely tried their best, but it was the 80s.
During a high school assembly, I learned about environmental impacts to communities surrounding a large cattle farm and the impact that beef production has on the local community and greenhouse gases. This first opened my eyes to the fact that the environment around us has a big impact on our health. I even became a vegetarian for a few years after that assembly.
Why I chose to Switch to Toxin-Free Living
I ended up studying sociology with a lot of the focus on health. Then after my undergrad I got my Masters of Public Health degree and after graduation I started working in public health building and implementing programs to help people make healthier choices and prevent disease.
Then I had my first daughter and after I learned about lead in toys and BPA in plastics my eyes were opened to the fact that just because something in sold in a store, doesn’t mean it is safe. I learned about the lack of regulations in the US and I started considering the types of cleaners and products we brought into our home.
So that’s how it all began.
I’ll share my podcast when it’s officially approved by iTunes. I hope you listen, comment, and share!