Staying on Budget When Eating Healthy and Organic Foods

Staying on Budget When Eating Healthy and Organic Foods

Just a reminder that on Tuesday, February 2nd at 12:00 PM, I will be doing a free workshop. The Three Home Detox Basics For Beginners. This is for people who want to detox but feel overwhelmed and don’t know where to start. I’ll go through the first 3 tips to start of your detoxing journey. It’s free, and you could win some gifts. Head on over to my Facebook group Detox By Design Insiders to get more information. I’ll kick it all off there on the 2nd. Can’t wait to see you there!

Staying on Budget When Eating Healthy and Organic Foods

Eating organic can often be more expensive. When you compare a Doritos chip bag to a Doritos like organic version, it’ll usually be more expensive. Often, choosing healthier products will help you save in the long run. 

  1. Eat real food. Don’t buy processed food.

    • Processed foods cost more and you get less nutrient dense food for the price. For example, if you buy a pre-maid meal it’ll feed only 2 people and if you buy the same items and make something similar, you’ll be able to feed your whole family and have leftovers. This is also true when it comes to snacks. On a strict budget, going back to real food will save you more money. Instead of chips, eat fruit or vegetables for a snack. Snacks aren’t nutrient dense foods and they won’t satisfy your hunger. You end up eating a lot more than you would real food. 

  2. Choose dried beans, rice, or grains

    • You can save a lot of money choosing dried beans and grains instead of canned or ready to eat foods. Buying pre-made rice is more expensive because you are paying for the convenience. It might take more time but its not hard to cook dried beans and grains.

  3. Eat Fruits and Vegetables that are Currently in Season. Choose Frozen in the Off-Season

    • In season fruits and vegetables are more plentiful and usually cheaper. Choosing frozen fruits and vegetables can help you get more organic foods in your diets and is often cheaper than off-season fruits and vegetables. Right now, almost all of our fruits and vegetables that we eat are organic. One way that helps us stay in budget and eat organic is through shopping via Imperfect Foods. (Shopping with this link will give you $20 off.) It is very affordable because it takes foods that aren’t up to grocery store standards and sells them through delivery. You order online and choose what you want in your box each week and it’s delivered right to your door.

  4. Shop organic based on the Dirty Dozen

    • Before going 100% organic we were choosing organic based on the dirty dozen. The environmental working group has done studies on which foods you should choose that are organic. Check it out here.

  5. Meal Plan

    • To make sure you don’t over buy and end up throwing away food, plan your meals before the week starts. 

    • As moms, we end up making alllllll the decisions. It gets tiring! One thing that we do in our family is that each week, each person picks a meal that they want to have that week. We all work together to cook the meal. When we follow our meal plan, we aren’t wasting as much food and our expenses goes down. 

  6. Repurposing leftovers

    • My husband barbecued some pork chops the other day and to repurpose them I threw them in my instant pot, put some green chile sauce on them, and cooked them till they were falling of the bone. They turned into the most delicious Chile pork filling for taco night. Repurposing leftovers is a great way to reuse food and save some money. 

What tips do you have to share about staying on budget when eating healthy and organic foods? Have a friend who would love this? Send it along and share the love!

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