Non Toxic and Safe Options for Coloring and Dyeing your Hair

Non Toxic and Safe Options for Coloring and Dyeing Your Hair

Just a reminder that on Tuesday, February 2nd at 12:00 PM, I will be doing a free workshop - The Three Home Detox Tips For Beginners. This is for people who want to detox but feel overwhelmed and don’t know where to start. I’ll go through the first 3 tips to start your detoxing journey. It’s free, and you could win some gifts. Head on over to my Facebook group Detox By Design Insiders to get more information. I’ll kick it all off there on the 2nd. Can’t wait to see you there!

Safe Options for Coloring and Dyeing your Hair

Have you noticed how many women are accepting their gray hair and quitting the constant color routine? I love the confident look and man of them have such gorgeous gray hair.

But some of us aren’t quite ready for that. Yep, I color my hair. I have been dying my hair since high school. I got my first perm in third grade. Now that was toxic! Remember how awful that smell was? I have been chemically treating my hair since about third grade.

My hair is very thick and wavy and now, dark brown. I like having highlights in my hair because it adds some dimension and brightens up my look. The last couple years, balayage has been very popular. That is when your roots are a bit darker, and the ends are lighter. Balayage, and highlights, are a bit better because the chemicals aren’t as close to the scalp and the chemicals are less likely to be absorbed into the bloodstream. With balayage you can often go longer between treatments which reduces exposure. 

With all over hair color, you’re getting a bit more exposure because the dye is saturating your scalp during the treatment. There are some safer options. One option is to find a stylist who uses Oway, a safer color product. Another option is to use Hair Print. It somehow only impacts the grey hairs and takes them back to you original color. This you can order online and do it all yourself, at home. 

My friend tried Hair Print and shared her experience in my Facebook group, Detox By Design Insiders. Truly, the safest option is to not color your hair, but I’m glad there are some healthier options these days.

So tell me, do you color your hair? Is there a brand you feel comfortable using?

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