Mom Guilt - Acknowledging and Getting Over It

Mom Guilt - Acknowledging and Getting Over It

Just a reminder that on Tuesday, February 2nd at 12:00 PM, I will be doing a free workshop - The Three Home Detox Tips For Beginners. This is for people who want to detox but feel overwhelmed and don’t know where to start. I’ll go through the first 3 tips to start on your detoxing journey. It’s free, and you could win some gifts. Head on over to my Facebook group Detox By Design Insiders to get more information. I’ll kick it all off there on the 2nd. Can’t wait to see you there!

We as moms have a lot of guilt. An example of this is eating healthy. I have an 8th grader and a 5th grader and sometimes they get annoyed with me buying the healthier version of their favorite snacks. I feel guilty that they might not be eating what their friends are eating and on the other side I feel guilty that they are just eating crap.

Mom Guilt - Acknowledging and Getting Over It

Mom guilt can creep in at any time. I have friends that have little kids and they are working from home and they feel like their child is getting too much screen time. Which is a big mom guilt. I have that with my older kids too. 

You might feel guilt from hearing this podcast. You might feel guilty that you haven’t switched your products yet. Or putting your kids in the wrong activities. I put my girls in soccer at a young age because their friends were doing it, but what if they become tennis stars? I had an epidural, did I make the wrong choice for my daughter’s birth 15 years ago? A lot of people hang on to that mom guilt. It can effect your parenting and mental well-being. 

Do something for me… Take a pause. Say out loud all the ways you feel mom guilt. Just acknowledging it helps. Release that mom guilt. Just the fact that you feel guilty shows what a wonderful mom you are. It shows just how much you want the best for for your kids. 

Now let’s move forward. As I always say, we’re just taking small steps and doing a little bit better every day. 

To continue the conversation, join my Facebook group at Detox by Design Insiders. I want to her what you have to say about mom guilt.  

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